Monday, August 13, 2007

When love become hate

It's a nice feeling of being in love but when the time that love will fade because of different causes of heart aches that's why the love that we feel will end into hate..

Like if your partner will have an affair with someone else though he has already a commitment on you, it might will cause a heart ache on you. Cheating is the one cause of breaking one's relationship. Also, when the feeling was already gone because the magic that you feel between was already fade..

Love is a crazy feeling but ones hurt can be feel, love will surely fade..


Jade Martin said...

Hi there. Nice space.

Wee said...

I think that is true and lots of young people fall in love a few times before they find the right one , I have been very fortunate and I found my soul mate and best pal when I was 16 , we have been married now for 46 years , I wish everyone could be as fortunate , xx

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